A Group of 18 Victorian Pharmacy / Chemist Bottles
During the 19th century, the pharmacy or apothecary was part of the main hub of every town or village. As this was before the National Health Service, the people would rely on their local chemist for advice, and, if they were lucky enough to afford a doctor, their prescriptions. Medicines were generally stored in glass bottles or jars, these came in various colours of glass.
This is a group of 18 Victorian, green glass pharmacy bottles of differing sizes. all displaying original pharmaceutical chemists labels, such as " Tincture of Quinine", "Compound syrup of figs" and "Carbonate of Magnesia".
As these bottles have been in use for over 120 years they do have the tiniest of nibbles on the odd one, but no cracks or large chips. The over all appearence is good.
Average sizes range from 7.5m to 18cm